call in

[ˈkɔːl ɪn]
  • 释义
  • 叫(某人)进来;来访;找[请]来;用电话通知;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Call in an architect or surveyor to oversee the work.


  • 2、

    The book was libelous, so the publishers had to call in all copies of it from the bookshops.

    这是一本诽谤性的书, 所以出版商必须把店里的书全收回去.

  • 3、

    All the reporters rushed to the telephone to call in their stories when the game was over.


  • 4、

    We 1990 s Howard, curtain call, in the horizon.

    年代徳莪们, 谢幕在同一个地平线里.

  • 5、

    It also is embedded module compilation and call in two ways.


  • 6、

    How many friends will you call in?


  • 7、

    Let's call in the pub for a quick one on the way to the theatre.


  • 8、

    Call in this evening if possible.


  • 9、

    People call in and just spill their guts about whatever's bothering them on the job or in a relationship.


  • 10、

    If you think that the repair is going to be a difficult job, we'll just have to call in a builder.

    如果你认为这项修理工作很困难的话, 我们就得去请个建筑工人来了.

  • 11、

    I will call in sick for you. Just stay at home and rest for the day.

    我会帮你打电话请病假. 你今天就在家里休息吧!

  • 12、

    I call in question the accuracy of these figures.


  • 13、

    May I call in this evening?

    我可以在今天晚上来访 吗 ?

  • 14、

    The bank wants to call in all money lent last year.


  • 15、

    My first port of call in town was the bank.


  • 16、

    Please call in any time you are in town. I will be glad to see you.

    你啥时进城就啥时来看我, 我很高兴见到你.

  • 17、

    I think we ought to call in a specialist.


  • 18、

    You can call in in person, or phone to make you reservation or enquiry.

    你可以亲自来访, 或者电话预定和查询.

  • 19、

    Mice that smell, call in a hurry, and call hem and haw two people.

    两只老鼠叫嗅嗅, 叫匆匆, 还有叫哼哼和唧唧的两个小人.

  • 20、

    Liberty Sun said are gone continue to its original port call in Mombasa Kenya.


  • 21、

    If you ever call in sick , he'll ground you without pay for a month.

    如果你再打电话请病假, 他就要你停飞一个月,不给工资.

  • 22、

    Tired of shuttlecock the document for signature, the secretary decide to call in all the signer.

    厌倦了为签字而将文件往返递送, 秘书决定将所有的签字人叫来.

  • 23、

    You'd better adjust again after a telephone call in order to monitor clearly.


  • 24、

    He insisted that we should call in a specialist to solve the difficult problem.


  • 25、

    The question whether we should call in a specialist answered by the family doctor.


  • 26、

    We had better call in a specialist at this critical moment.


  • 27、

    AI will not call in allies during the early parts of a limited war.


  • 28、

    The local tourist office should be your first port of call in any town.

